21 February 2012

The Perfect Present

My BabyLog is the perfect gift for a mum-to-be!

Many pregnant women in the UK have now taken on the American tradition of a babyshower prior to the birth and what better gift than one that they can personalise and keep adding to throughout their baby's first precious years?

Recently a close friend of the My BabyLog team had her babyshower locally and we were overjoyed to be invited along to join in the celebrations! You can see some photos from the event below.

Yummy cupcakes


The gorgeous mum-to-be

Bump buddies- the guests join in the fun!

Playing games- Pinning the Roo to the Kanga!

We all joined in!

Opening gifts

As you can see, some of the guests decided to give the parents a My BabyLog Memory Chest. As they have opted not to find out the sex prior to the birth, two boxes were presented to the thrilled mum-to-be.

Talking of the lovely gift, she said:

"I'm so pleased with my Memory Chest, it's simply gorgeous! I'll be able to fill it with so many precious memories and keepsakes that I can share with my baby in years to come. It's the perfect baby shower gift!"

Why not buy a My BabyLog chest for your pregnant friend or family member? Click here to browse our products on our website.

Cupcakes provided by Cake Heaven
Photography by Ruth Coles

17 February 2012

Making their Mark!

Have you seen our Inkless Hand and Footprint Kits yet? They are available on the site for just £4.99 with free shipping!

The Inkless Foot and Hand Print Kit is a kit to imprint your baby’s tiny hands and feet on keepsake paper. You can keep this priceless reminder of baby’s tiny little hands and feet forever, along with your MyBabyLog Memory Chest for boys or girls. You can keep the foot and hand prints in your My BabyLog keepsake box forever.

You’ll look back when they’re older and find a tear in your eye. Buy if you want a family heirloom to pass down to your children; this is a fabulous gift for newborn babies.

The kits are great as not only do they provide a less messy option than most print kits available, they are also suitable for use from birth. This means that you can capture the memory as soon as you get your precious bundle home if you so wish.

10 February 2012

Welcome to the World!

My BabyLog has branched out into the Blogging World with the hope of being even more interactive with its audience.

We want to hear from you whether you are a satisfied customer, a parent to a young child, or somebody looking for ideas of what they can buy a pregnant friend. You can get in touch with our marketing team with your questions and suggestions: marketingmybabylog@hotmail.co.uk as well as commenting on blog posts, filling in polls on the blog and tweeting us @MyBabyLogBlog

In the coming weeks look out for exciting news and features on the Blog. Life is a journey and we want you along for the ride!